eLearning SolutionsVideo Conferencing Solutions

Top 9 Benefits of Video Conferencing in the Education Industry

Overview of Video Conferencing in the Education Industry

Video Conferencing in the education industry has created an unforeseen environment for schools, teachers, students, and parents alike. Teachers strive to create the best learning opportunities for as many students as possible. Unfortunately, not all schools have the capacity or resources to deliver the programs they want, and some students may not have the opportunities they want. Video conferencing in the education industry can give your classroom access to the whole world, more easily and economically than you might imagine.

Benefits of Video Conferencing in the Education Industry

1. Global Collaboration

In an increasingly globalized society, it is more important than ever for students to understand the world around them. The ability to instantly connect to classrooms around the world through video conferencing equipment allows students to put a face to geographically remote communities and cultures and prepares them to become citizens and ambassadors of a more open, tolerant, and connected world.

2. Distance Learning Assistance

Before, students from sparsely populated rural areas could not take advantage of all the opportunities that seemed obvious to their classmates in large cities or suburbs. Getting in touch with these students is one of the benefits of video conferencing in education which can have a considerable impact on the quality of their learning. In fact, they can attend classes from their home while having access to educational outings and expert interventions in which they would never have been able to participate.

3. Adaptation of Programs

Imagine a classroom enjoying a virtual field trip, collaborative distance exercises with other classes, and expert knowledge from around the world. Visiting world-famous museums, and discovering the stars with astronauts who have seen them from space: integrating 4K video conferencing into the classroom can allow for unique interactive learning. Making lessons more interesting is the wish of every teacher. Video conferencing in the education industry help to improve these programs cost-effectively.

4. Live Streaming and Course Recording

Live streaming through video conferencing in the education sector makes it easy to broadcast seminars, conferences, and events to thousands of attendees, without wasting time and money searching for meeting places. Live-streamed events allow your audience to connect from all over the world and participate in live question-and-answer sessions.

Video conferencing also allows lectures to be recorded that students can watch later if they are absent or simply want to watch them later to review their notes. Video recording and sharing type key features of video conferencing allow them to attend lessons in the classroom, at home from a laptop, or via a mobile device while on the go.

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5. Sharing Screens with the Classroom

Video conferencing equipment and key features enable technologies such as whiteboard capture cameras, document cameras, and screen sharing to be viewed both inside the classroom, but also digitally, in one virtual classroom. No more sacrificing your video feed for your PowerPoint® or graphics. With Video conferencing in the education industry, you can choose to share your entire screen or a single app with your audience with just one click.

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6. A new Scope for Classrooms, Plus Safety

Extend the reach of your classrooms and deliver rich distance learning sessions to students, locally and globally. The best video conferencing apps for eLearning are built on state-of-the-art data centers with independent security and confidentiality certifications that ensure the integrity and reliability of our platform.

7. Richer and more Engaging Classes

OneClick IT Consultancy helps schools and universities by providing them with video conferencing tools and equipment for rich, interactive, and engaging video sessions. The HD quality audio and video allow students to maintain their concentration, even during long learning sessions. And because these sessions are recordable, you can download your lesson video file and allow any students who missed it to watch it again.

8. Faster Decision Making

From the administration’s point of view, management and educators collaborate more effectively and make decisions faster with a video chat and caller application that anyone can use, wherever they are, and no matter what equipment they are using. Quality calls, discussion groups, and screen sharing capability go a long way in helping teams to be well-informed and more productive.

9. The Opportunity to Choose an Excellent Teacher, Even Across the Country

Your staff and educators are an essential criterion to be taken into consideration by parents who consult an eLearning solution or online classrooms. One of the benefits of video conferencing is that it allows you to recruit talented teachers from across the globe to impart education.

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Connect with our experts to develop video conferencing app for your education industry.

To Conclude

OneClick makes it possible to deploy video conferencing solutions for education industry on a massive scale and to ensure that administrators also have the autonomy to deploy it themselves. Our eLearning solutions coupled with video conferencing can help you embrace the new normal and provide a rich learning experience.
Connect with our team of experts to discuss your next virtual classroom or video conferencing project for a demo.

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