Digital Marketing

Top 6 Email Marketing Trends to Increase Engagement

Introduction of Email Marketing

As of 2024, the landscape of global email usage continues to be significant, with projections indicating further growth. By 2023, the number of global email users is expected to reach 4.6 billion, surpassing half of the world’s population. The volume of daily emails is set to increase to a staggering 3,650 billion by 2024, emphasizing the continued centrality of email communication. Remarkably, 82% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) still leverage emails for customer acquisition, and 79% utilize them for customer retention, showcasing the enduring importance of email marketing in business strategies. These trends underscore the continued reliance on email as a powerful tool for communication, customer engagement, and marketing efforts in 2024.

These top email marketing stats clearly show that this is one strategy you must cash upon. Email Marketing strategy remains an essential tool to inform your customers about your offers, new products, or special promotions or simply to connect. Although the wheel is not reinvented from year to year, technical developments and changes in user behavior are necessary. These facilitate continual adaptation and regular adjustments to the email marketing strategy.

email marketing

In general, the new email marketing trends in 2024 are aimed at inspiring readers and making them discover new ideas. The main objective of email marketing is to constantly provide helpful content and original and attractive offers. The aim is to attract customers to open your emails, stay interested in the content and not delete them or mark them spam. Towards this, here are a few latest email marketing trends of 2024 that may interest you:

1. Gated Content

The first challenge for email marketers is how to get a customer’s email address. Almost all administrators of websites, blogs, or online stores now want to send information to their visitors. Users, on the other hand, are bombarded with information and therefore reluctant to share their email ids. Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy where both parties gain an advantage.

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As an online marketer, however, what should interest you is customer data. Therefore, it is a good idea to create content that will not be activated until customers have subscribed to your mailing list. Of course, only content that brings real added value to users will trigger this action.

In exchange for white papers, online courses, or even statistics or interactive elements, many customers are happy to provide their addresses. So that users can estimate in advance if the content is really worth it for them, you can at best give them a preview.

2. Automation

After establishing your distribution lists, it is important to regularly send emailers to your customers. Although automation is not a new trend in email marketing, it is continuing and growing in importance. Now it’s no longer enough to send a weekly message according to a well-planned calendar. Good automation must adjust to user behavior. You can, thus, support the various visitors to your site in their purchasing decisions.

Thanks to automation, you can kill two birds with one stone. On one hand, you have the means to react quickly to user behavior, even at an individual level. Depending on how they browse online, you can define the most appropriate email and send it in real-time. On the other hand, you save resources because the automation processes require less time and people to set up effective email marketing.

3. More Optimization for Mobile

An essential element in any good email campaign is responsive design, i.e. optimizing the design to any screen size. In 2024, the share of emails read on mobile will continue to increase, even though it has already passed the 50% mark! This year again, optimizing emails for mobile remains a priority to offer a good experience to your contacts.

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4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is increasingly spreading to fields other than IT. Therefore, using artificial intelligence in the creation and distribution of information is another email marketing trend of 2024.

For example, artificial intelligence can determine through precise calculations when is the best time to send a newsletter or offer. The machine can not only make these calculations for large groups, but also for each user. The same goes for the subject of the email; if it is not attractive enough, the email will not be opened. Thanks to the huge amounts of data it can process, it is also possible to make predictions of the open rate.

5. Blockchain

Lots of people associate Blockchain exclusively with encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin. However, new Internet technology can do much more and is already in the background. The blockchain is particularly useful as it essentially constitutes a long list of entries when it comes to managing permissions.

Do you want to make sure that nobody manipulates your customers’ consent to receive the newsletter? The blockchain helps you once an entry is placed in the general ledger (transaction directory), it cannot be simply deleted by one person. The blockchain is monitored by multiple nodes simultaneously and adjusted over and over.

This can build customer confidence in your business in the future. However, this still requires some clarification work. Currently, the use of this technology in email marketing is still an unknown territory for many users. However, it’s worth dealing with the blockchain right now as you can expect it to become more and more important in the years to come.

6. Data Protection

The possibilities of artificial intelligence and new trends for email marketing bring up the issue of data protection. Of course, this subject is not new. Data protection is, was, and will remain at the heart of the obligations of marketers. A large amount of personal data collected facilitates the placement of advertisements on the Internet, but it is obviously essential to respect the law. In addition to legal problems, you may also lose the trust of your (future) customers.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now provides even stricter rules for the processing of the personal data of companies. Customers must give their consent for their data to be collected. This information can only be used for the purposes for which they have given their consent.

In other words, the data provided by a customer for the processing of a purchase cannot be used immediately for advertising purposes. This requires additional approval. You must also ensure that this data does not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons.

For email marketing, this means that you need to process user data more transparently and responsibly than before.

email marketing


Now that you are aware, you can apply these trends to your future marketing strategy. However, you will first need to examine what works and what doesn’t in your current campaigns. If you are unsure of integrating the latest technology trends in Email marketing, our experts can help you. At OneClick, we have vast experience in helping our clients to maintain an effective strategy and stand out from competitors.

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