Travel Development

Skyscanner Flight API: Connect Your Website and App


Are you thinking about connecting your website or app to Skyscanner Flight API? If so, we’re here to help. Skyscanner is the world’s travel search engine, helping millions of people find flights, hotels, cars, and holiday packages. Flight API connects your website or app to Skyscanner’s flight search engine. 

You can show the results of a flight search on your site or in your app and let users book directly from there, without having to go back and forth between your site/app and Skyscanner’s website. The Flight API is free for developers who integrate it into their websites or apps for non-commercial purposes.

What is Skyscanner Flight API?

It is an application programming interface (API) that lets you access our database of flight information. With it, you can get information about individual flights, search for flights by origin and destination, find a list of available flights for a given date range, book tickets for those flights, and basically, do anything you could do with our website. 

What is the best part? You don’t need to know any code, all you need is some basic knowledge about website development! There are tons of things you can do with this API: turn your website into an online travel agency; let people search for flights from their mobile phones; integrate booking tools into your existing business; build a site that displays all of the airports near a user’s location; etc. 

The possibilities are endless!

Top Features of Skyscanner Flight API

features of skyscanner flight API

The API has many features that make it a great tool for developers.

1. Multiple Languages

The API supports multiple languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish and Swedish. So if you’re building an app that targets customers in any of those countries you can offer them the option of using their native language when searching for flights.

2. Pricing Calculations

The API includes price calculation functions so you can display prices in your app based on the currency used by your customers. You can also use pricing calculation functions to calculate taxes and fees associated with each flight search result so you can display these costs accurately in your app.

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3. Bulk Requests

You can send multiple requests at once using this feature which means less time waiting around for results! 

4. Open Source Library

If you’re looking for something that works well with many different programming languages, then look no further than this library which supports Java, C#, and Python among others!

5. Simple Authentication System

Authentication isn’t something that should be difficult for developers or users, that’s why Skyscanner has created a simple authentication system that makes it easy for anyone who wants access to the data in their system without having to worry about creating a username/password or giving up any personal information! 

Top Benefits of Skyscanner Flight API

benefits of skyscanner flight API

1. It’s free

You don’t have to pay anything to use Skyscanner Flight API you can just log into your account and start using it right away! You’ll never have to worry about paying for flights again or even having to pay anything extra each time you make a flight booking. It’s all included in the price of your monthly subscription fee.

2. You can integrate it into your website

Another great feature of Skyscanner Flight API is that it integrates seamlessly with any website or app using HTML5. This means that customers can search for flights from any device from their mobile phone to their desktop computer and still have access to all of their information in one place. 

This also makes it easy for other users who may not be familiar with APIs to use Skyscanner flight information without having to worry about setting up an account or learning how something works differently from another system they’ve used before. 

3. You can provide more value to your users

With Skyscanner Flight API, you can create a more personalized experience for your users by creating more relevant recommendations based on their upcoming trip dates and destinations. If someone books a flight from London to New York City, you can recommend flights from London to other U.S. cities such as Boston or Atlanta and hotels in those cities that match their preferences and budget. You can also use the API to help your users find the best deals on flights and hotels. 

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4. It saves you time and money

You can use Skyscanner Flight API to get a list of available flights from your origin to your destination, which will save you both time and money because it will eliminate the need for human intervention.

5. You can compare prices

Skyscanner Flight API lets you compare prices between airlines and travel agencies so that you can make sure you’re getting the best rates for your trip. It also lets you compare prices across different cities and dates so that if there’s an expensive flight out of town but a cheaper one from home, it’ll tell you about both options and maybe even advise which one’s best based on your preferences and budget!

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Top Functionalities of Skyscanner Flight API 

Some of the most exciting functionalities include, 

  • Flight search results are displayed in real-time, so you get up-to-the-minute data about your flight preferences.
  • Listings for over 3 million destinations worldwide and over 100 airlines.
  • A list of all available airports in the country you’re looking for flights from, as well as those with the most affordable fares.
  • The ability to sort results by price, duration, departure time, arrival time, or distance from your chosen airport.

Ending Notes

If you’re looking for a new way to connect your website or app with the Skyscanner API, we hope our guide has given you some ideas. The Flight API is an excellent solution for beginner developers who want to add travel search functionality without worrying about all the details.

FAQs on Skyscanner Flight API

What’s the difference between Skyscanner Flight API and Skyscanner Flight Search?

Skyscanner Flight API is a RESTful API that allows you to search for flights and get results in a standardized XML format. It’s designed to be used by software developers to build web or mobile applications that use flight data. If you’re looking for something more like a user-friendly interface, try Skyscanner Flight Search instead.

How do I get started with the Skyscanner API?

The first step is to sign up for an API key. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to access the API documentation and start building your apps.

What kind of data does the Skyscanner Flight API provide?

The Skyscanner Flight API provides information about flights, airports, and airlines so you can use it in your app.

Can I integrate the Skyscanner Flight API into my existing website or app?

– Yes! You can integrate our API into your existing website or app using JSONP or by using a third-party service such as Google Maps.
– We also offer a way to use our data as part of a native mobile application (iOS, Android). See our documentation for more details on how to use our app APIs and SDKs.

Why should I use the Skyscanner Flight API?

The Skyscanner Flight API gives you the power to search and book flights in a way that works best for your business. You can use our flexible booking engine to accommodate any of your customers’ needs, and we have tools to help you track and analyze their flight preferences.

What languages does Skyscanner support?

It supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Dutch, French, and German.

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