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Top 11 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development

Overview of Programming Languages for Blockchain

Let us ask you one question

Before a decade have you heard about blockchain? Of course Not, Blockchain came into the market in 2008, when there was more interest in Person 2 Person money without the interference of any private or public banking.

Today the scenario has completely changed. Blockchain has become a billion-dollar industry. Blockchain has also solved the problem of people living in two different countries who never know each other but they can easily transfer money to each other and can also trust each other easily.

Normally we heard that the demand has increased up to 100% for any particular product or service. But the demand for blockchain has increased by 2000% isn’t it amazing. Research shows that in 2021, the net worth of the blockchain market will climb to around $20 billion.

Have you thought about how blockchain has developed? Like any other application or software, there are multiple programming languages used to develop a blockchain.

In this blog we’ve discussed the top 11 programming languages that need to learn before developing a blockchain app development:

Top 11 Programming Languages for Blockchain App Development

1. C++

C++ the top programming language was introduced in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup. Even a non-technical person knows the existence of a language called “C++”.  This is the best programming language for cryptocurrency development.

Bitcoin founders preferred to use C++ due to its capabilities such as multi-threading, function overloading and run-time polymorphism. C++ has different OOPS features which allow Blockchain developers to easily mold the data and functions in a single module.

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Features of C++:

  • Mid-level programming language
  • Structured programming language
  • Data Hiding
  • Rich Library
  • Powerful & Fast

2. Python


Guido van Rossum designed python in 1991. Its design philosophy is interpreted as a high-level general-purpose programming language. If you are a new python developer and developing a Blockchain in Python, then it might be the best blockchain language for you as it doesn’t require long codes.

This is the only language that provides huge open-source support, making it ideal for blockchain app development. Python development firm expertise can help in leveraging these advantages to create cutting-edge blockchain applications.

Features of Python:

  • Object-Oriented
  • Easy to Code
  • High-level Language
  • Large Standard Library
  • Thoroughly Portable
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation

3. Java


There is a creaky competition between Java and C++ in popularity and usefulness. Java came into existence in the year 1995, the language was designed by James Gosling with the thought of a class-based, object-oriented programming language.

It is a fact that Java has a heavy Application Programming Interface (API) that includes Java classes, packages, etc. The more used property of Java is particularly useful in Blockchain applications i.e. Probability.

Features of Java:

  • Independent Platform
  • Simple and Familiar
  • Extensively Secured
  • Think Robustness
  • High Performance
  • Distributed Language

4. Solidity


Whether you are an experienced developer or a fresher you must learn Solidity. Solidity is another blockchain programming language generated for writing smart contracts that run on the EVM – Ethereum Virtual Machine.

This language is developed by Vitalik Buterin, the mastermind of Ethereum.

Features of Solidity:

  • Developer Friendly
  • Access to JavaScript, Debuggers, and more tools
  • Statistical Programming
  • Hundred Percent Accuracy

5. C#

C Sharp

C# is the language connected to Java and C++, in the programming language C# is known as the ideal Blockchain. The language C# is developed by Microsoft & the language is also pronounced as “C sharp”.

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C Sharp streamlines the programming language through its use of Simple Object-Oriented and Extensible Markup Language or method without the help of a programmer.

Features of C#:

  • Standard Library
  • Boolean Conditions
  • Open Source
  • Cost-Effective
  • Easy to Write Portable Codes

6. JavaScript


JavaScript is popular among Blockchain developers. It’s a popular web language. Research shows that 80% of JavaScript is utilized by developers and 90% of all sites are more powerful by adopting JavaScript language.

JavaScript is known and popular among Blockchain Developers. This is the only language which is already installed in all the systems, so developers can easily build creative Blockchain applications.

Features of JavaScript:

  • Scripting Language
  • Object-Based Scripting Language
  • In-Built Function
  • Validating User’s Input
  • Light Weighted

7. PHP


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a highly recommended language. Every reputed mobile development company recommends PHP for Blockchain app development. 

PHP’s latest version is 7.4.0 released on 28th November. The language PHP was created in the year 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf.

Features of PHP: 

  • Scripting language 
  • Interactive pages that allow you to do complex things 
  • PHP can have pages that are password protected.

8. Simplicity


Simplicity is developed by Russell O’ Connor for smart contracts. This language is highly focused on decreasing low-level understanding of Bitcoin. Simplicity is the only language that helps developers in increasing work capacity and also helps to create a faster development process. Blockchain developers generally build side chains on Elements and can also use many functions, features of simplicity.

9. Ruby


Ruby was developed by Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto in the mid – the 1990s. 

It is a high-level language that empowers the fresher developer or experienced developer to implement their vision effectively and effortlessly through third-party APIs and plugins.

Features of Ruby:

  • Interpreted Programming Language
  • Scripting Language similar to Python and PERL
  • Open Source
  • Can be installed in Windows and POSIX
  • Can be connected to DB2, MySQL, Oracle and Sybase
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10. Rholang


The languages like C++ and Python Rholang can also be added to the list of Blockchain Programming Languages.

There is a slight difference in languages like C++ and Python compared to Rholang, it has a programming paradigm rather than an object-oriented one.

11. Go


Go is the language which is listed in the best Blockchain development. This is not an easy language but it also comes with the various features of JavaScript and Python. Go is a user-friendly, flexible and speedy language that makes the right place to deliver Blockchain solutions.

Go has the two best Blockchain programming solutions i.e. Go-Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric.

Features of Go:

  • Simplicity
  • Powerful Library
  • Web Application Building
  • Testing Support 
Blockchain app development


After reading the top 11 programming languages for blockchain app development you might be wondering which one suits your project. The appropriate language can be decided on which product you need and which system you will utilize.

We believe that this blog was useful to you in deciding on the programming language for Blockchain development. If you are looking to take expert advice or want to hire blockchain developers, then you are at the right place. 

OneClick IT Consultancy is one of the leading blockchain app development companies. With more than a decade of experience, we provide various services and we have got a wide variety of emerging tech solutions.


1. What programming Languages does Blockchain use?

There are various programming languages available but some of the most used programming languages to develop Blockchain are Java, JavaScript, C++, Python, PHP, Go, Ruby and Solidity.

2. How to learn Blockchain programming?

You can learn Blockchain programming from various online websites like Coursera, Udemy, Codecademy, YouTube and other platforms.

3. Which is the best Blockchain App Development Company?

It is very confusing when deciding on a company. But there are some tips and tricks which will help you to decide on the company for Blockchain app development. 
Check which service they use
– Which platform do they use?

4. How much does it cost to build a blockchain app?

It is not an easy task to answer this question as the cost varies from company to company and it also depends on the customer’s requirement. Here we have mentioned the estimated cost i.e. $15,000 to $60,000.

lets start your project

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