The Future of iOS Apps: Implementing Server Driven UI for Dynamic Experiences


Server-Driven UI on iOS: Modern Perspective of Dynamic Applications

As applications are growing in size and usage, so does the demand for high flexibility and scalability. One of the upcoming trends, to achieve the aim, is Server Driven UI: a shift of the UI composition responsibility from the client side to the server. In this topic, we will try to address what Server Driven UI means, the advantages it brings as well as the challenges and how you can utilize it in your iOS applications.

What is Server-Driven UI?

In the Server Driven UI design pattern, the server takes control over the structure, layout and content of the user interface. Rather than hardcoded views in the app, the server sends a JSON (or similar) payload describing the UI. The client app interprets this payload and renders the UI dynamically.

How it works

  • Server Side Definition: The server provides a UI definition as a JSON or XML file.

  • Client-side Rendering: The client, using components provisioned beforehand, interprets the payload and builds up the UI dynamically.

  • Update without App Release: The user interface can be entirely changed on the server, in this case there is no required app update.

Advantages of Server-Driven UI

  • Dynamic Updates Without App Releases: Changes in the UI are made on the server side for upgrade deployment without app version submission. This means downtime is smaller and iteration cycles can run faster.
  • Unique Experience: The user or user segment could see personalized UI configurations for their interests or behavior.
  • Less Development Effort: For the sake of having only one source of truth in UI definitions, Server Driven UI meant less maintenance of different app versions.
  • Speedy Experimentation: A/B testing and feature rollout becomes easier because UI changes can be made directly on the server instead.

Challenges of Server-Driven UI

  • More Complexity: Cost and more expense involve building and maintaining a server that dynamically exports UI definition standards.
  • Performance Impediments: Latency may result from parsing the server driven UI and rendering it on a client, particularly where it uses complex layouts.
  • Less Native Experience: If care is not taken, dynamically rendered UIs may lack the finesse associated with a building native interface in a custom manner.
  • Problems of Testing: The tricky part is when one tries to ensure that the server delivers correct and bug free UI definitions for different devices and configurations.

Best Practice

  • Component-Based Architecture: Create reusable components for the client and the server in order to flatten the rendering of the UI.
  • Fallback Mechanism: Gracefully fails an app with all the bad things such as invalid JSON or missing components.
  • Versioning: API versioning is used to avoid incompatible status when evolving your UI schema.
  • Performance Optimization: Cache UI definitions locally for better network call reduction and to make rendering faster.
  • Security: Validate and Sanitize Server given junk data to avoid further misuse of the system or vulnerabilities.


Now, let us discuss implementing Server Driven UI using Swift.

1. Define a UI Schema

Send a JSON payload from the server having a description of the structure of UI. This is the schema example:

{ "type": "container", "style": { "orientation": "vertical" }, "children": [ { "type": "text", "content": "Welcome to Server-Driven UI!", "style": { "fontSize": 24, "textColor": "#000000" } }, { "type": "button", "content": "Get Started", "action": "navigateTo: Onboarding" } ]}



2. Parse the JSON Payload

Parse the above JSON on the client into Swift model:

struct UIComponent: Decodable { let type: String let style: [String: String]? let content: String? let action: String? let children: [UIComponent]?}


3. Render the UI Dynamically

Use SwiftUI or UIKit to render the UI parsed from within the JSON.


4. Handle Actions

Define the actions: navigation, API calls or any other interaction in your app.

func handleAction(action: String) {

if action.starts(with: "navigateTo:") {

let destination = action.replacingOccurrences(of: "navigateTo:", with: "")

// Navigate to the specified view




Example with SwiftUI:

import SwiftUIstruct DynamicView: View { let component: UIComponent var body: some View { switch component.type { case "container": VStack { ForEach(component.children ?? [], id: \.content) { child in DynamicView(component: child) } } case "text": Text(component.content ?? "") .font(.system(size: CGFloat(Int(["fontSize"] ?? "16") ?? 16))) .foregroundColor(Color(hex:["textColor"] ?? "#000000")) case "button": Button(action: { handleAction(action: component.action ?? "") }) { Text(component.content ?? "") } default: EmptyView() } } func handleAction(action: String) { if action.starts(with: "navigateTo:") { let destination = action.replacingOccurrences(of: "navigateTo:", with: "") // Implement navigation logic to the 'destination' view print("Navigating to \(destination)") } // Implement other actions like show alert, call API, etc. }}// Helper extension for Color to handle hex valuesextension Color { init(hex: String) { let hexSanitized = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).replacingOccurrences(of: "#", with: "") var int = UInt64(0) Scanner(string: hexSanitized).scanHexInt64(&int) let red = Double((int & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.0 let green = Double((int & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 255.0 let blue = Double(int & 0x0000FF) / 255.0 self.init(red: red, green: green, blue: blue) }}


Use Cases for Server-Driven UI

  • A/B Testing: Serve dynamically different UI layouts for experimentation.
  • Feature Toggles: Roll out or hide features without updating the app.
  • Content-Driven Applications: Typically apps that are mostly dependent on server provided data, very much like news or ecommerce type applications.
  • Theming: Serve dynamic themes or styles on user preference.

Tools and Frameworks for Server-Driven UI

Here is a small list of libraries and tools that could do a world of benefit in speeding up the development of Server Driven UI:

  1. Beagle: An opensource Server Driven UI framework by Zup.
  2. GraphQL: Dynamic UI definition fetching with flexible queries.
  3. Swift JSON Decoding: Built-in Swift features for decoding server responses.

Best Practices on SwiftData

Server Driven UI is a potentially powerful paradigm for flexible, dynamic and scalable iOS applications. Production applications could be delivered faster and personalized by dispensing with UI control at the server side. Such great changes are not without problems and should be addressed with keen concern for the whole implementation of the server driven design.

When developing an application that will frequently need updates or changes, Server Driven UI might be for you. You will be doing some small stuff at first, then experimenting before exposing the full potential of this next gen way of doing app development. 

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