Follow These Steps:
Determine the URL pertaining to the public Git repository.
Modify your package.json file with the repository information.
"dependencies": {
"package-name": ""
Also, use npm to directly install the repository:
npm install
Execute the command npm install that will install the package along with its dependencies.
No requirement of authentication as the repository is public.
Code is facilitated easily to the users.
Reusable tools or libraries have version control maintained at a central place.
Potential for code abuse: Code becomes accessible to an unlimited audience creating potential for abuse.
Dependable of the repository’s existence (for instance, the repository can be moved or deleted).
Not advisable for proprietary or confidential code.
Follow These Steps:
Creating a Personal Access Token (PAT):
GitHub: Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens and click on Generate New Token.
GitLab: Access User Settings > Access Tokens menu.
In your package.json file, adapt the HTTPS URL format of the repository to include your PAT:
"dependencies": {
"package-name": "https://<USERNAME>:<TOKEN>"
You can authenticate using SSH instead:
Link your SSH key to the Git service you use.
Modify the SSH URL in your package.json file:
"dependencies": {
"package-name": "git+ssh://"
Use npm install to retrieve and install the private repository.
Offers confidentiality and security for code that is confidential and secret.
Encourages team working while ensuring that permissions are still in place.
Allow for HTTPS and SSH authentication giving more options.
Need to manage tokens or set SSH keys which adds administrative overhead.
Have more initial setup steps as compared to the public repository.
If the setup is not done correctly, authentication problems will come up in the CI/CD pipelines.
Follow These Steps:
Make sure that the local code is set up correctly as a valid Node.js package and that there is a package.json file.
To link the global package:
npm link to the local package globally:
First, go to cd /path/to/local-package,
go to cd /path/to/your-project and then type in npm link local-package-name for cp. Or,
define the local path in the package.json file as follows:
“dependencies”: {
“package-name”: “file:../path-to-local-package”
After this, it is necessary to run npm install in order for the local package to be available in your project.
Ready access to the code without an internet connection.
Good for fast prototyping or local tests.
Ignores the reliance on third-party hosting.
Not ideal for sharing code across teams or environments.
Manual updates and version management can become cumbersome.
Limited scalability: Not designed for widespread distribution or versioning.
Setup Complexity:
Ideal Use Case:
Dependency on Network:
Version Control:
Each approach offers distinct advantages and is suited to specific use cases:
Public repositories are ideal for open-source projects and collaborative sharing.
Private repositories provide security and are well-suited for proprietary or sensitive code within organizations.
Local code works best for rapid development and testing scenarios without external dependencies.
Evaluate your project’s requirements to select the most suitable option for your Node.js application.
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