In Amazon ECS, task definitions are essential to define the containers you want to run. They act as blueprints specifying application requirements, networking, and storage configurations.
1. Container Definitions
Specify image, memory, CPU, and environment variables.
Example JSON snippet:
"name": "app-container",
"image": "my-app:latest",
"memory": 512,
"cpu": 256,
"essential": true
2. Task Role
Define an IAM role that grants your task permissions (e.g., access S3 or DynamoDB).
3. Networking Configuration
Define whether tasks run with “awsvpc”, “bridge”, or “host” networking.
4. Volumes
Specify persistent storage for your tasks.
"volumes": [
{ "name": "app-data",
"host": {
"sourcePath": "/data"
Task definitions are the cornerstone of ECS deployments. Properly configuring them ensures your containerized applications run efficiently with the right permissions, resources, and networking configurations.
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